Wednesday, November 28, 2018

IIMB Culcom


(photos still being updated)

Last 2 years of education. I wasn't sure whether I'll be able to chill out in life after MBA. So decided I definitely need a dedicated social platform for this. I joined IIM Bangalore's cultural committee (referred to as CulCom henceforth). Not that I didn't make friends outside of this group. In fact, most of my closest friends are outside the culcom group. But culcom provided me the platform to conduct events, make new friends, interact with a lot of outside people and I just loved it. The main scope of Culcom's work is to conduct events spanning the year for the students in the campus and most importantly, conduct the biggest B-school cultural fest in India - Unmaad ! 

The above is the set of folks who got selected to join the club. There are 4 verticals/departments within the club - Events, Publicity, Sponsorship and Infra. I wanted to get into events because of my music background. But I think the seniors were looking for someone with a strong music background to join the infra vertical since they wanted someone capable to handle the Professional shows event which is taken care by the infra vertical. I was initially hesitant because I knew I was also signing up for a lot of manual labor work like carrying our stuff and all that. But the seniors finally selected me for the Infra vertical and I accepted it. And buoy! That was the best decision I could have made from an IIMB - Social life point of view.

That's the infra vertical - 5 of us handling different categories of work. Vivek, Issac, Suneesh, Preetham and Rahul. After we got selected for the club, the seniors wanted us to come up with some sort of wacky introduction for each vertical. We were brainstorming and I came up with an idea. I observed that the initials of our names can be combined to form the word VISPR and that can be connected to how the other verticals can ask us for help. "We are VISPR. You can just VISPR your needs to us and consider them done" and for the rest of our campus lives, we were called the VISPR group.

During our second year, Sunny also joined us since the seniors decided to expand the team. So the group became called VISSPR. Even our whatsapp group is called by that name.

We had to conduct parties on campus and be the bartenders for the parties. Trust me! It was super fun. In our second year, we hardly did the bartending since juniors were there. But in our first year, the 5 of us had a killer of a time and I don't think I'll have get to be part of a better team in my life. Below is a performance by me and Rahul. We were a little stoned while Preetham recorded this video. I'm playing table drums and Rahul is on guitar. Very short video.

Managing the party at L square. For people not from IIMB reading this post, L square is the party spot on campus. If you've seen the movie 3 idiots, L square is the place where that the Dean/Prof Sahasrabuddhe comes with that cuckoo bird and gives a speech. The stairs you see in the pic above are where the students in the movie 3 idiots actually stood. Anyway, that's Sumit, me, Abhinav, Preetham, Kumudini, Indu, Rahul and Sakshi.

That's my Swag pic from our first L square  party. The theme was "Nerds and Hotties" Lol.

I think this was Dandiya night. I had no idea how to use those sticks. Vivek, whom you can see in the picture towards the right end was teaching me how to use them and dance along with that. Was a fun night I remember.

I used to be on my headphones all the time! I mean ALL THE TIME! Below is one of the promo videos that was created for Unmaad. It was called "Superhero Song".  So, Siddha from the events team was coordinating to make the video. She wanted actors to be part of the video. She had initially asked me also to join but because of some other work, I was about to ditch and Siddha asked me to come. Shown below.

Within the first 15 seconds of the video, you'll be able to see me and after that, I'm not in the song anymore. But it's a very nice video. Check it out if you're interested. Priya and Vivek, both part of Culcom sing in this song.

@Unmaad 2016

Reunion @ UNMAAD 2017 

Half-Reunion @ Powai, Mumbai in May 2017

Impromptu Reunion @ UNMAAD 2018 

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